An online shopping site that provides you with promotions, voucher codes, discounts on 300+ stores and gives you cashback when you make purchases via ShopBack.
Click this link to Find great discounts at ShopBack!
Click this link to Find great discounts at ShopBack!
Let me also share how this works when I purchase from FoodPanda.
How ShopBack works?
First, you need to sign up with ShopBack.
I was then brought to this page which consists of card promotions and coupon codes.
Take note of the coupon code if you are using any.
Take note of the coupon code if you are using any.
Click this link to check out the voucher codes - Foodpanda voucher codes let you save!
Next, I was linked to FoodPanda website which I could login to my account and make purchases as usual.
If you do not have an existing account, sign up for one.
Choose the restaurant that you want to purchase from. So I clicked on Jade of India.
Choose the food items and your order is reflected on the right.

Ensure your order is correct and enter the voucher code.
Next, I proceed to checkout.
Ensure that the delivery address is correct and make payment.
Payment can be made by credit/debit card or paypal.
If you are paying by credit card, enter your credit card details and click "Place Orders Now".
You'll receive the order code. Now, wait for your food to be delivered.
Enjoy your food and the cashback will be given to you in a few days.
My Cashback when I made purchases from FoodPanda.
Start saving now by shopping via ShopBack! Don't wait liao lah!
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Watch this video to see how ShopBack works!
I have been invited by ShopBack to review their website.
I have also shopped via Shopback for FoodPanda and Zalora personally.